Rezept: Komfortabel Gnocchi fritti - Bereit Um Appetit Zu Machen

Gnocchi fritti. Next, dust a work surface with flour. Fry the gnocchi in batches for a few minutes until puffed and deep golden in colour. Browse all our cooking vacations in Italy.

Gnocchi fritti They're best eaten while still warm … but can be reheated in the oven for a few minutes; the dough can be made up to a day before and refrigerated (just bring it. Basically, gnocco fritto is a vehicle for delivering antipasti from plate to mouth; everyone has their own method, be it topping the fried puff open-faced, folding one in half or even making a sandwich, using two gnocchi fritti as bookends. The concept of the meal is to make tons of small Gnocchi Fritti, have cold cuts and cheese to eat with them, and drink a good glass of wine. Mutter. Gnocchi fritti sehr gut geeignet, um mit der Familie und Verwandten zu essen. Keine Angst vor Schwierigkeiten, denn ein gesundes Menü zuzubereiten dauert nicht lange. Das Rezept ist einfach und die benötigten Zutaten sind leicht zu finden. Du kannst kochen Gnocchi fritti using 6 zutaten und 4 zubereitung. So kochst du es.

Zutaten für Gnocchi fritti

  1. Notwendigkeit 150 gr von Kartoffel.
  2. Brauchen 50 gr von Mehl.
  3. Muss 25 gr von Mehlstärke.
  4. Erforderlich 2 gr von Salz.
  5. Du brauchst 30 ml von Wasser.
  6. du musst von Öl zum Frittieren.

The dough of Gnocco Fritto is similar to the bread dough: it is made with flour, yeast, milk and olive oil. Fried dough parcels (Gnocco fritto) This is another delicacy from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy, the homeland of tagliatelle and piadina bread. Gnocco fritto can have many different names depending on the province, so you may find that it is also called "torta fritta" (Parma) or "chisulino" (Piacenza). In a kitchen aid add the flour, salt, yeast, baking soda, milk, water, pork fat and squid ink.

Gnocchi fritti Anweisungen

  1. Die Kartoffeln weich kochen und noch heiss schälen und mit den anderen Zutaten vermischen..
  2. Zu einer Teigkugel zusammen kneten und 3 Teile daraus machen..
  3. 2 fingerbreite Würste rollen und gleichmäßige, nicht zu kleine Stückchen schneiden. In Bällchen rollen..
  4. Öl erhitzen und die Gnocchi frittieren..

Mix all of the ingredients together with a dough hook. Allow the dough to rest and proof for an hour and half. Cut up the bread dough to gnocchi size. Remove the friend gnocchi fritti and season with seaweed salt. Tra le nostre ricette tipiche di cibo da strada non poteva certamente mancare lo gnocco fritto che appartiene alla gastronomia tradizionale emiliana.

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